“You can’t afford not to have [the Coping Foot] mounted on at least one of your jigsaws”
– Fine Homebuilding, Product Review
Order your Coping Foot for the Festool Carvex today!
To order by phone, call us at:
888-838-8988 (USA) or
614-873-6219 (Canada)
The Coping Foot is a dome shape base for the jig saw that allows you to bevel, turn and pitch the blade while changing any of those angles during the cut. Any way the blade is angled the saw is supported right at the kerf. Making a twisting cut such as you would find in a spiral handrail is a skill easy to learn with a coping foot. When the saw is held by the barrel with the blade up, very clean, accurate and complex cuts can be made such as you would encounter coping crown molding.
The Festool Carvex has the most complete set of jigsaw bases available. With the addition of a coping foot the Carvex becomes the most versatile saw ever manufactured. There’s nothing that compares to it.
Order your Coping Foot for the Festool Carvex!
To order by phone, call us at:
888-838-8988 (USA) or
614-873-6219 (Canada)

Collins Tool Company is not a “buy and sell for profit” retailer. However, our customers frequently ask what kind of blades work best with the coping foot. Mr. Collins likes the Bosch T244D more than any other blade, and for your convenience we stock a few.
We like this blade because we can turn fairly sharp with it. It is an aggressive 6 tooth with good set. Though it would seem at first glance to be too coarse for smooth cutting we point out that cutting from the back side of the stock produces a very crisp, clean edge and even with a coarse set you can split a line. If you do not have any 244’s, try them. We are sure you’ll be very pleased.
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